Lauren, this is SO GOOD and RELATABLE. The mission trips! Heaven vs hell! Saving souls! I have grappled with those same thoughts/questions, most of which left me feeling angry and confused. I’m in a different stage now, though it’s not too clear where or how to place myself in all of it… at least not yet.

It’s interesting you mention a fire here. When I started to realized something was terribly off at my old church, three women (including myself) had similar dreams related to a house catching on fire and church folks fleeing it. Even in the dream, I remember pleading with certain friends/church staff to leave and some just couldn’t. You know the rest of that story.

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Erika! I feel that too: knowing that I've moved through a season, but still not 100% where I am quite yet. Sometimes that bugs me, but if I can ✨just relax✨ there's a unique peace that comes when I accept that I don't really need to know. I'm not driving this thing, so I don't need to stress. I just get to enjoy looking out the window.

Craaazy story about the housefires in your dreams! That gave me chill bumps when I read it.

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This is so beautifully told and constructed, my friend! I love the analogy of the burning house throughout- it's powerful and incredibly accurate. and tying it all to the stations of greif is just brilliant. I am so excited to follow this whole thread! 🙌

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Thank you, Kendall. There's this part in Step Out by José González that says:

House on fire, leave it all behind you

Dark as night, let the lightning guide you

Step outside, time to step outside

And I've always felt those words so deeply, but could never quite figure out way. It wasn't until I started putting this piece together that I started to understand THAT'S why my soul always resonated with them.

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